Catholic Faith Formation
Catholic Faith Formation
The Catholic Faith Formation Commission oversees programs that are focused on the sharing of the faith. St. Michael’s offers programs for all ages, ranging from our parish school, religious education for children, as well as a very active adult faith opportunities.
Children’s Faith Formation – Grades PreK-8
The goal of our Faith Formation Program is to systematically present the Catholic faith to our young people through instruction, worship experiences, and service opportunities. Classes are scheduled weekly from mid-September through the end of April.
Volunteer catechists undergo screening and reference checks. They continuously are offered formation workshops and spiritual opportunities to prepare them for sharing faith with children.
Parents are encouraged to be classroom assistants or to offer to become catechists when they have completed the diocesan VIRTUS requirements. To volunteer call 410-665-1054, ext. 204
You can now pay for your Faith Formation Class on line at Give Central.
Look for “Children Sunday Faith Formation Tuition Payment” event.
Sacramental Preparation
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
At the second grade level students are invited to begin preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. The pre-requisite is that the child must have first completed a full year in a Catholic school or a parish faith formation program. Preparation includes a parent meeting with instructions and materials to be used at home in conjunction with classroom instruction and a parent/student workshop for each sacrament. Any questions call 410-665-1054.
Children’s Catechumenate
Children of any age, who have not received Baptism and Eucharist, are eligible for special instruction to prepare them for these sacraments. Arrangements are made on an individual basis. This may take place as individual instruction or small group instruction.
At the ninth grade level and beyond, students are invited to prepare for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. The pre-requisite is that they have completed at least one full year in a Catholic school or a parish faith formation program. All students attend a series of evening classes, as well as engage in service, youth activities, and a one-day retreat. Sponsors (or another responsible adult, if the sponsor lives at a distance) accompany the candidates to class.
Youth ministry opportunities are offered for young people of the parish in high school. These include social, spiritual, and service opportunities. The students and their parents are an essential part of the planning process and parents are encouraged to serve as volunteers and chaperones for all activities.
Interested youth should call 410-665-1054.
Scouting programs are available for both boys and girls at a variety of age levels to include Daisy, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassador Girl Scouts as well as Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturing.
The focus in our scouting programs encompasses the values, skills and social activities that scouting is known for. It also goes beyond that and reflects our Catholic identity by involving our scouts in religious camping/retreat experiences and Catholic religious awards. The scouting programs offer lifelong lessons, friendships, experiences, and skills while enhancing our faith through growth in the knowledge of our Catholic faith and service to the parish and community.
If you are interested contact Mary Kay Boland at 410-426-8086 for Girl Scout Programs and Dennis Boland, Charter Organization Representative for Boy Scouting at 410-426-8086.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
The Rite of Christian Education for Adults (RCIA) is a process of formation for any adult who wishes to become a full participating member of the Catholic Church. This may be someone never Baptized; someone Baptized in another denomination; or a Baptized Catholic who had no formal instruction in the faith. Faith sessions, rituals, and mentoring occur from year round. Please call the Faith Formation Office at 410-665-1054 to inquire.
Adult Faith Opportunities
St. Michael’s offers many opportunities for Adults to grow in their Catholic Faith. The programs include parish missions, Bible studies, retreat days, evenings of reflection, small group events, and talks on a variety of topics related to the Catholic Faith.
Marriage Preparation (Sponsor Couple)
One method of preparing for the sacrament of Marriage is thru the Sponsor Couple Program. After meeting with a priest or deacon, the engaged couple may choose to be assigned to a trained sponsor couple. They will meet with this couple at four or five mutually convenient times to cover the preparation topics. This process offers flexibility in scheduling and creates a friendly and personal contact with an active parish couple.
Registration for this process is done through the clergy in conjunction with the Faith Formation Office.
Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults
St. Michael’s is in full compliance with Archdiocesan policies on the protection of children and vulnerable adults. All employees must undergo a criminal background check. Volunteers complete all aspects of the VIRTUS program and after completion, are certified to volunteer with children. We will continue to comply with the Archdiocesan policies as they are updated.
STM – STC School offers a Catholic education to children in Grade Pre-K(3) through Grade 8. Further information may be found by clicking here.