Service & Justice
Service Commission
The Service Commission is charged with insuring that the parish lives out the gospel mandate of seeing Jesus in the poor and embracing as consistent ethic of life from conception to natural death.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Michael’s St. Vincent de Paul Society is part of a national organization whose purpose is to assist the needy, rooted in Christ. Our parish SVDP Society oversees the parish pantry as well as the distribution of food baskets at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The ministry also includes direct assistance to the poor. If you are interested in serving in this hands on ministry, please contact the Parish Office at 410-665-1054.
Beans and Bread Outreach
Beans and Bread is a soup kitchen serving the needs of the hungry of Baltimore City. Our parish is always looking for casserole makers who will prepare and/or deliver chicken and rice casseroles on the second Saturday of each month. (Pan and recipe are supplied.) Volunteers are also welcomed to assist with the serving of the meal at Beans and Bread. If you are interested, contact the Parish Office at 410-665-1054.
Helping Hands Committee
The Helping Hands Committee is a group of parishioners who offer assistance to those who are in a pinch and need help with errands, food shopping, a ride to the doctor or church, etc. or require relief for a caretaker. Committee Chair: Jane Oakjones. If you have a need or would like to help when available, contact the Parish Office at 410-665-1054.
Pastoral Care of the Sick
Pastoral Visitors minister to the sick and homebound of our parish community. They are commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist and provide the opportunity for those who are physically incapable of attending Mass to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis. If you are interested in participating in this ministry or know of a parishioner who could benefit from the services of a pastoral visitor, please 410-665-1054.
Respect Life Committee
The Respect Life Committee exists to encourage members of our community to embrace a consistent ethic of life; that is, life is sacred from conception to natural death. In holding to the Catholic Church’s teaching that all life possesses human dignity, we seek to encourage awareness regarding the evils of abortion, euthanasia, violence, homelessness, hunger, capital punishment – anything which compromises human dignity or seeks to replace God’s role in the life cycle.